Do you continually DOUBT & SECOND GUESS yourself?
I can help you be the expert in your life.
why work with Pauline
Over 20 years of helping women trust themselves & stop living with self-doubt
Clear the Muddle
Clear the muddle of self-doubt and second guessing.
Learn to trust the desires of your heart.
Find Courage
Find the courage to follow the wisdom and guidance of your heart.
Become the woman you truly want to be!
about PAuline daniel

I’ve been in the field of Personal Development for over 2 decades as an employment counsellor, personal coach and author. My focus is on following your heart. It’s your compass and your guide. This is the way I live and work.
I came to Coaching in 2001 after 9/11 when the world became scary and unpredictable. I felt I had two choices. One, to hunker down in fear and the other to amp it up and move ahead in bigger ways.
In 2003 I earned my certificate in Power Coaching through Coaching and Leadership International on Vancouver Island, BC. And in 2008 started my own coaching practice.
In 2011 I became a grandmother. My only son had a son and I am still blown away by the love I have for this child. In 2018 I launched my first book, Tuesdays with Jack, honouring this love.
In my practice, I work with Baby Boomer women who like me, have worked hard their entire lives. We took on causes and changed the world for women. We are the generation who continues to set trends.

A Generational Story Of Love, Life & Wisdom
My book, Tuesdays with Jack, is a love story for the world.
It’s a tribute to my grandson, our relationship and my legacy.
This beautiful little book began as a Facebook post after spending Tuesdays with my grandson Jack.
Tuesdays was our day from the time he was baby.
When he started to talk, he amazed and delighted me with the things he said.